
Mac Os Rom 8.6 Download Updated

Mac Os Rom 8.6 Download

Steve Jobs took the stage at Apple tree's World Wide Developer Conference this week to denote Mac Os 8.6, a costless upgrade to owners of Mac Os 8.v. Geoff Duncan looks at the upgrade'due south new features, bug fixes, and background for Apple tree's time to come plans. Also in this issue, Adam explains how everyone subscribed to Internet mailing lists can amend the utility of those lists with minimal piece of work, and we note new G3 Series PowerBooks and Conflict Catcher 8.0.5.


  • MailBITS/x-May-99
  • Mailing List Manners 101
  • Apple Rolls Out Mac OS 8.half-dozen

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PowerBook G3s Get Thinner, Lighter, Faster -- Mobile Mac users with sore shoulders will exist happy that Apple tree announced a thinner, lighter successor to the current PowerBook G3 Serial at this week's World Wide Developer Conference. Sharing the existing model'due south design but measuring simply one.7 inches deep, the new laptop weighs every bit footling as five.9 pounds with one battery and a CD-ROM drive installed. The new PowerBook G3 Series (which doesn't characteristic a name change, calculation new levels of defoliation when trying to depict the different models) will be available in two configurations. The high-end model features a 400 MHz G3 processor with 1 MB of behind cache, a half dozen GB hd, and a DVD-ROM drive; the 333 MHz version includes 512K of backside enshroud, a 4 GB difficult disk, and a CD-ROM drive. Both variations include 14.1-inch active matrix screens, 64 MB of RAM, ATI Rage LT Pro video controllers with 8 MB of video retention, congenital-in 10/100Base-T Ethernet, and 56K modems. One significant modify is the presence of two USB ports, replacing the ADB and serial ports in earlier models; unlike Apple tree's other USB-equipped Macs, a SCSI port is still standard issue. The new PowerBooks also benefit from the use of a l-watt-hour lithium-ion battery, which Apple claims provides upward to 5 hours of use. Pricing for the 400 MHz model will start at $3,500, while the 333 MHz machine volition first at $2,500, with both available offset xx-May-99. [JLC] <>

Disharmonize Catcher 8.0.5 Gear up for Mac OS eight.six -- Casady & Greene has released Conflict Catcher 8.0.v, complementing Apple tree'southward release of Mac Bone 8.six. (Come across Matt Neuburg's review of Conflict Catcher viii in TidBITS-446.) Conflict Catcher 8.0.v updates Disharmonize Catcher's Clean-Install System Merge feature so it volition move your extensions, preferences, fonts and other custom items into a freshly installed version of Mac Os viii.6. Version eight.0.5 also updates Disharmonize Catcher's file sets for Mac OS 8.six, adds new file definitions to its reference library, and improves support for non-U.S. versions of the Mac OS. Disharmonize Catcher eight.0.5 is a free update to owners of Disharmonize Catcher 8. [GD]

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Mailing List Manners 101

by Adam C. Engst <>

It's no hole-and-corner that I'm a huge fan of mailing lists. I both subscribe to and operate a number of lists on many topics, and I spend much of my day communicating professionally and personally in these word groups.

And yet, I'm troubled past behaviors I see in most lists. Many people pay little attention to spelling, grammar, and the basic composition of their messages, mail pointless notes, and bulk upward replies by quoting complete originals and appending huge signatures. How y'all write in email - peculiarly in public places like mailing lists - affects how other people regard y'all, your opinions, and your knowledge. Think of it this way: if mailing list messages were a reflection of personal hygiene, y'all don't want to come beyond to others similar you lot need a shower, clean wearing apparel, and a haircut.

Here and then are the main behaviors that I would encourage for all mailing list participants. If you're equally bothered by the issues in mailing lists as I am, feel gratuitous to refer others to this commodity for advice. Yous can link to information technology permanently at this URL:


Write Carefully -- I realize that I take a chance sounding like a pedant here, simply in cases like this, I don't care. Writing skills in the general Internet populace stink, which means you can brand yourself await even more intelligent and thoughtful than you are by writing well. Good writing isn't difficult, and requires only grammatical sentences and proper spelling. Y'all don't need to be a professional writer or be able to make words flow trippingly off the tongue.

Yous should besides follow a few basic rules when writing email:

  • Don't use all majuscule letters for more than a word.
  • Insert a blank line between paragraphs.
  • Surround URLs with angle brackets to avoid bug at line breaks.
  • Don't utilise text styles (like bold or italic) or text colors in mailing list letters, since many people won't see them and may even see HTML tags instead.

Quote Sparingly -- One of my peeves with mailing lists is that people seldom delete unnecessary quoted text in their replies, with the worst being people who respond to a bulletin in a assimilate and quote the entire assimilate. Quoting sparingly does crave manual work, since virtually email programs automatically quote the original bulletin in replies. Just failing to edit the original wastes everyone'southward time and bandwidth.

In some e-mail programs, yous can select some text in the original bulletin, press a keyboard shortcut, and accept only that text appear quoted in the answer. (Eudora for the Macintosh does this with its Command-Shift-R shortcut.) Other email programs assume that replying with some original text selected ways you want to quote only that text.

Especially problematic are email programs that quote an original message by appending it to the bottom of the reply with no quote marks in front of each line. That prevents inline replies, since there's no easy way to differentiate original and new text, and then users of those programs tend to leave the entire original hanging off the terminate of the respond. That's fine in private messages, but in mail destined for a list, it's just sloppy. Unfortunately, the only solution to this problem is to switch to a different electronic mail programme

Avoid Junk Letters -- Another complaint nigh people's behavior on mailing lists revolves around "junk" messages. I'm not talking near spam, since spammers aren't constructive members of a mailing list. Instead, junk messages fall into the following categories:

  • Unsubscribe messages mistakenly sent by subscribers who didn't read (or locate) the instructions for leaving the listing. Every list goes to lengths to simplify the process of signing off, and yet a large number of people nonetheless send unsubscribe letters to the listing itself. Read and salve the welcome bulletin you receive when you subscribe to a listing, then refer to it when y'all want to unsubscribe.

  • Me-too posts sent by well-significant listing members replying only to convey that they agree with a bulletin or had a similar experience. A Spider web-based poll is a amend way to accept votes on a topic.

  • Welcome messages that appear when someone new joins the list. No ane on a mailing listing needs to read "Glad to have you on the list!" from everyone; ship such messages to the new fellow member in private mail.

  • Congratulation messages that announced after a fellow member of the list has mentioned some milestone or personal triumph. Again, send these in individual email.

The moral of the story is simple: Avoid sending junk letters to a list. They're easy to identify as you type - just ask yourself if the bulletin would be of involvement to the majority of the mailing listing. If non, that doesn't mean your message is worthless: the original sender might capeesh being welcomed or congratulated via private email.

Write Descriptive Subjects -- When you receive messages from a mailing list, the kickoff thing you run into is the subject line. Which of these subject lines would you lot rather see on a mailing list devoted to, say, tropical fish?

wondering Recommendations for fish that can live with cichlids        

Unless your telepathic powers are ameliorate than mine, the first subject line tells yous nothing. So, the first rule of bailiwick lines is to make them descriptive.

Another problem affects primarily assimilate readers. They see an interesting message and want to answer, but when they do so, their email program uses the subject line of the digest (Tropical Fish Assimilate #251) rather than the bailiwick of the bulletin. That leads to messages existence sent to the listing with useless subject lines, since the championship of the digest is rarely descriptive. In that location's no practiced solution to this problem, although two mediocre workarounds be.

  • Re-create the discipline line from the message to which yous're replying and paste it into your respond'south discipline line, prefixing it with "Re:". This is effort well spent.

  • Take the assimilate sent equally a MIME digest and use an email program like Eudora Pro that can dissever the digest into individual messages in a mailbox. The problem goes away then, but, for some people, then does the point of receiving the assimilate version of a list.

Sometimes you want to reply to a message but change the topic of discussion. When y'all do that, you should change the field of study line; if you don't, people following the thread will be dislocated when your bulletin doesn't match its subject. Some people (and some programs) indicate when they've inverse a subject line by appending "(was <the original subject>)" to the new subject. That's acceptable but results in long and unwieldy subject lines that piece of work badly in list archives.

On the other side are people who change the subject lines on every message they send. That'south equally problematic, since information technology prevents listing members from reading (or sorting) messages that are related by a shared discipline line.

If you create descriptive subjects, maintain the right subjects if you're a digest reader, and alter subjects only when advisable, you'll be well on your mode to being admired as a paragon of listing etiquette.

Employ Short Signatures -- My final gripe well-nigh mailing list postings is that many people have long signatures at the cease of their letters. Email signatures are useful, but mailing listing signatures should be kept to a minimum. This is particularly true for lists that have digests because the signatures can take up a pregnant portion of the digest. For instance, messages with long signatures sent to the moderated Info-Mac Digest are rejected with a note asking the person to resend with a shorter signature.

Many email programs let yous switch betwixt multiple signatures, just yous have to retrieve to do and then for each message. There'southward a trick you lot can use in Eudora Pro (only not Eudora Light) to switch signatures automatically when y'all're replying to messages that come up from mailing lists. Follow these steps:

  1. In the Signatures window create a shortened signature for employ with mailing lists called "Short signature." Your name, affiliation, email address, and URL are all that is essential.

  2. In the Personalities settings panel, create a personality chosen "Mailing list signature." Fill in the Real Name and Return Address fields, and select the "Send mail whenever sends are done" checkbox. All the other fields can exist blank, and the checkboxes related to checking mail should exist deselected.

  3. Switch to the Personality Extras settings panel, leave the Jotter pop-up card gear up to None, and choose Short signature from the "Signature when non using stationery" pop-up menu. Click OK to relieve your personality settings.

  4. Open the Filters window. In filters that motion messages from mailing lists into specific mailboxes, add a Make Personality activity, and from the Personality pop-up menu, choose "Mailing list signature."

You lot've created a signature for use with mailing lists, continued information technology with a specific personality that differs from your dominant personality but in the default signature setting, then created a filter that automatically assigns that personality to incoming messages from mailing lists. Now, whenever you reply to a message from a mailing list, Eudora Pro knows to apply your mailing listing personality and thus your mailing list signature. You'll yet take to cull your mailing list signature manually when sending a new message to a list, but all replies will use it automatically.

Ridin' that Loftier Horse -- I freely acknowledge that at that place'southward nothing new in this article (well, except perchance the Eudora tip above). These recommendations have been floating effectually the Internet as long equally there has been an Internet. The lamentable fact is, though, that mailing list manners oasis't improved with time.

So why can I complain? Two reasons. First, I recollect it's of import that this topic, onetime equally it is, remains in the public eye. Second, I do the work every twenty-four hours to create a mailing listing that tries to conform to all the recommendations to a higher place. In TidBITS Talk, I do the following to every bulletin:


  • Basic editing and spell checking, which is significantly eased by Eudora Pro 4.ii's inline spell checker. I also add together blank lines between paragraphs, add angle brackets to URLs, and remove styled text.

  • Eliminate unnecessary original text in replies. This task is quite easy, since wholesale deletions take little fourth dimension.

  • Reject junk messages. Most mailing lists aren't moderated, but eliminating junk messages, or even multiple identical answers to the aforementioned question, is a major advantage of moderation.

  • Normalize subject lines. I attempt to keep similar messages in threads and pause new thoughts out into new threads. This work besides improves the quality and coherence of our annal database.

  • Signature pruning. Since I'm already editing messages, it'south little actress piece of work to trim signatures to their essentials.

I do all this piece of work because I think it makes for a far ameliorate list experience, and highly positive feedback from the members of the TidBITS Talk list confirms this. Another advantage is that this work tends to keep the list volume down, since I'chiliad less probable to post messages that require a lot of work to clean upwardly.

I'chiliad not trying to be smug - I love it when I tin can mail service submissions to TidBITS Talk without a lick of work. I too don't look about other people who run mailing lists to expend this level of endeavor (though I wouldn't complain if some did). Instead, my goal here is to educate people who participate in mailing lists, since just past improving our list manners volition mailing lists keep to get increasingly pleasant and useful.

Apple Rolls Out Mac Bone 8.half dozen

by Geoff Duncan <>

Today at Apple's almanac Earth Wide Developer Briefing (WWDC), Apple tree Acting CEO Steve Jobs appear the immediate availability of Mac OS viii.6. Mac Os viii.6 is an incremental update to the Macintosh operating system that introduces some new features and capabilities, addresses a number of known problems, and lays a foundation for future Macintosh models. Mac OS viii.6 has the same system requirements as Mac Os 8.five: any Macintosh system that originally shipped with a PowerPC processor and that has at least 24 MB of RAM.


Obtaining & Installing Mac OS 8.6 -- Mac OS viii.6 is bachelor in ii forms: a retail CD-ROM and a free online Mac Os 8.6 Update for Mac Os 8.five owners. The CD-ROM should be available presently from Apple tree for $99 (and at lower prices from other vendors); people who purchased a reckoner with Mac Bone 8.5 pre-installed tin can obtain Mac Bone viii.6 on CD-ROM for $19.95 through Apple's Mac Bone Up-To-Date program.

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Apple's servers also offering the gratuitous Mac Bone eight.6 Update, which will upgrade any organisation running Mac Os 8.five to Mac OS 8.6. The download is substantial, either as a unmarried 35 MB disk prototype or equally a series of 12 MacBinary segments. The Mac Os 8.6 Update is currently bachelor but for the North American English version of Mac Bone 8.v; localized versions should exist released in coming weeks.


Installing the Mac OS Update is straightforward: the installer offers no custom installation options, so updating from Mac OS 8.5 is an all-or-zippo proposition. Equally with any installation of system software, common sense dictates that you perform a complete backup of your organization before installing Mac OS 8.6. Yous should also disable whatsoever virus protection software and Norton CrashGuard (if installed) before updating to Mac OS 8.6.

If y'all accept an iMac you may need to install the iMac firmware update before installing Mac OS 8.6; the installer won't work if your auto'southward firmware isn't upwardly to engagement. The iMac firmware update will exist in the CD Extras folder on the retail Mac Os viii.6 CD-ROM; the 1.2 MB update is likewise available online from Apple for free. In addition, if you lot have an Ultra Wide SCSI card, you should check with the card's vendor earlier installing Mac OS eight.6; some older cards need a firmware update to work with Mac Os


Getting Ready for Team Play -- Some of the almost of import changes in Mac OS 8.half dozen are invisible. Apple has re-implemented some lower levels of the Macintosh system software to support full symmetric multiprocessing. Electric current applications run under Mac Bone 8.6 without whatsoever changes, but future applications can take advantage of new multiprocessing services to enhance their performance significantly on systems that take more one CPU chip.

Although Apple tree hasn't made whatsoever official announcements, it's rubber to assume Apple tree didn't engineer full multiprocessor support into the Mac Bone solely to support the scattering of older systems with multiple processors. In coming months, Apple is likely to announce new computers built effectually PowerPC G4 processors, which have been designed with both single- and multi-processor systems in listen. Although I wouldn't expect an iMac with multiple processors any time soon, Apple is likely to offering multiprocessor systems at the high stop of the professional and server lines. Mac Bone Ten, congenital on technologies caused with NeXT, already supports symmetric multiprocessing; now applications adult for the Mac OS will be able to take advantage of multiprocessor systems besides.

News You Can Utilise -- Other changes in Mac Os viii.6 are more obvious, including Sherlock 2.i, an enhanced version of the lauded search tool that debuted with Mac Bone 8.v. Sherlock ii.1 offers ameliorate support for SOCKS and proxy servers (including the adequacy to limit the number of network connections Sherlock uses when connecting to Internet search sites), and as well offers a resizable Internet panel, so users no longer accept to use ResEdit or apply patches to resize their list of Sherlock plug-ins. Sherlock 2.1 uses the Mac OS's new built-in URL Admission technology to connect to the Internet, which changes a few things about how Sherlock communicates with remote servers. Near existing Sherlock plug-ins will work with Sherlock 2.1 with no changes.

Sherlock's Observe By Content characteristic can now alphabetize HTML and Acrobat PDF files, and yous tin use Finder labels to restrict indexing either to items with a item label or to all items except those with a item characterization. In add-on, a new contextual carte du jour item enables you to index a particular folder: Command-click a folder, and then choose Index Pick from the contextual menu.

Mac OS 8.6 also includes LaserWriter 8.6.5 and version one.2 of the Desktop Printer Utility. LaserWriter eight.half-dozen.5 is a significant upgrade that supports logging both impress jobs and font utilization, enables you to set up a preference for using either Type 1 or TrueType fonts, and can strength fonts to be downloaded to a printer. In improver, LaserWriter 8.6.five supports USB-based PostScript printers, and Desktop Printer Utility enables you to create desktop printers for either USB printers or printers you connect to over TCP/IP networks using the LPR protocol. Finally, LaserWriter viii.6.5 supports secure printing connections with print servers under AppleShare IP half dozen.ane or later on (although it obviously can't foreclose someone from reading your document while rummaging through a printer's output tray).

DVD-RAM back up gets a boost in Mac OS 8.half-dozen, enabling folks with DVD-RAM drives to format DVDs as Mac OS Standard (HFS), Mac OS Extended (HFS Plus), Universal Disk Format (UDF), or MS-DOS volumes. The MS-DOS choice is available only the first time you format a DVD-RAM disk; subsequent formats must use a Macintosh format or UDF. Starting upward from a DVD-RAM drive is not supported, then although y'all could install organization software to a DVD-RAM disk, information technology wouldn't do y'all much good.

One under-the-hood addition I'grand especially happy to see in Mac OS viii.half-dozen is URL Access, a low-level component that allows programs to transfer information to and from the Net using HTTP or FTP. I'll look at putting URL Access to work in an upcoming TidBITS issue.

Newly Integrated & Newly Tweaked -- Mac OS 8.6 rolls in items that were previously available separately. Back up for FireWire and USB devices is now integrated into the Mac Os installation, as is Game Sprockets, a collection of libraries that help game developers and better enable Macs to support game controllers. Mac Bone 8.half-dozen too includes Macintosh Runtime for Java 2.ane.1, although Apple tree recently released MRJ ii.1.2 to address several issues in earlier versions. Mac Os eight.6 ships with QuickTime 3.0.ii but does not include QuickTime 4.0; preview releases are available from Apple.

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A few items receive touch-ups in Mac Os 8.6, including AppleScript 1.3.7 (which fixes a few small-scale bugs and adds Navigation Services capabilities, merely doesn't address some long-standing problems) and the AppleShare client. If you're connected to an AppleShare server that goes offline, the alert dialog alert you of that fact is now dismissed after two minutes, and the AppleShare client creates a file on your desktop called AppleShare Server Messages containing the text of the alert.

Mac OS 8.6 includes Open Ship 2.0.iii, which fixes several potential bug with DHCP, including a possible crash when acquiring an IP accost and connectivity bug with some cable modems and DSL connections. (Too, the AppleTalk command strip module at present reliably turns AppleTalk on and off.) Apple has also fixed a long-standing Ethernet trouble in first-generation PCI-based Macs and Macintosh clones that could shut down all networking nether heavy TCP/IP network loads. These machines may be more reliable every bit Web, postal service, and backup servers under Mac Os eight.half-dozen than under previous systems.

Mac OS 8.6 also includes PlainTalk one.v.4, which supports 44.ane KHz sound input sources, adds back up for the iMac's congenital-in microphone, and now correctly restores the sound input source when shutting downwardly speech recognition. Also, at long last, the Keyboard control panel now sports a pair of Dvorak keyboard layouts.

The built-in Mac Bone HTML help engine has also been updated, although the changes aren't noticeable to users. Apple is finally working on allowing other developers to use Apple'southward Aid Viewer for HTML-based online assist, and so other programs should start using HTML-based help via Apple's Help Viewer before long.

Finally, Mac OS 8.6 includes Pacific Tech's Graphing Calculator ane.1, which can rotate graphs in three dimensions, use different colors, and fifty-fifty impose an arbitrary image on 3D surfaces. The Graphing Calculator had gone substantially unchanged since 1994, only I withal use information technology to demonstrate Macs - and even occasionally to do math. Version 1.ane of Graphing Calculator adds some fun features - I immediately pasted a photo of one of my cats over an oddly modulating surface - so information technology'southward once again a cracking tool for showing off the Macintosh. Version i.1 doesn't offer all the capabilities of the commercial edition of Graphing Calculator, currently at version 2.2 and available for $50 - you can cheque out a demo at Pacific Tech's Spider web site.


A Few Gotchas -- Although additional specific issues are leap to emerge over the next few weeks, here are a few problems with Mac Os 8.six you should be aware of now.

  • If you employ Connectix'southward Virtual PC, you lot must update to version ii.1.2 or college to use it with Mac OS 8.6.


  • Owners of original Apple tree StyleWriters, the StyleWriter II, or StyleWriter 1200 should use the StyleWriter 1500 printer driver that comes with Mac OS 8.half dozen rather than the original driver for their printer.

  • Apple tree'southward language kits must be updated before they work with either Mac OS 8.v or If you're upgrading to Mac OS viii.half dozen from Mac Os 8.ane or before, use the Language Kit Updater for Mac OS 8.five; it'due south available on the Mac Os viii.5 CD-ROM (and will presumably be on the Mac OS CD-ROM as well). As far as I can tell, the Language Kit Updater for Mac OS eight.5 is neither available online nor included in the free Mac OS eight.6 Update.

  • Some applications may demand more memory under Mac Os due to the fashion some system components are used. In most cases, giving these applications most 300K more memory via their Become Info windows should solve the problem.

Do You Need Mac OS 8.6? Any decision about upgrading to Mac Os eight.6 is, of class, up to the individual. If you demand some of the new features in Mac Os 8.six and aren't fazed by downloading many megabytes of data, Mac OS 8.6 should be a safe decision. I've had few compatibility or stability issues while using Mac OS 8.6, and the price is right. On the other hand, if none of Mac Os 8.6'due south new capabilities entreatment to you lot and y'all're happy with your electric current system setup, don't experience compelled to upgrade right abroad - Mac OS viii.half-dozen is a significant and worthwhile refinement over Mac OS 8.5 but doesn't offer profound new features.

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Mac Os Rom 8.6 Download

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